Sunday, June 21, 2009


I just wanted to wish everyone a most blessed Midsummer. Today is my birthday! I'm a solstice baby. I was born on my parents' second wedding anniversary, 55 years ago. I don't know where the time has gone. In my heart and mind, I'm still a kid.

I always thought being born on the longest day of the year was special. It was magickal to me before I knew what magick meant. I can remember staying up late, as a child, on my birthday, and waiting for the fireflies to begin their twinkling. It didn't get dark until until almost 9pm, and my brother and I would be running around the lawn in our pajamas. Magickal times, truly.

Tonight, I'm home with my dogs and cats. My husband won't be home from work until 11pm. I had a nice day. He made breakfast for me and gave me a beautiful card. I went for a long walk, with a dear friend, late this afternoon. We sat at the edge of the Arkansas River. We reveled in its peacefulness and were awed by its power.

It's lovely outside...a light breeze stirring, the sound of children playing, much the same as it was so long ago. I'm going to do a simple ritual to commemorate the day. I'll give thanks for another year and celebrate the power of the natural world.

In love and light! Solstice blessings!


  1. Bright Blessings for your birthday, if a day late, Ravenstar! I love the quiet, yet beautiful way you commemorated your day. Your blog is beautiful. I look forward to reading more as time permits.


  2. Hey you're near the Arkansas river so you might be a neighbor of mine! I'm in the Ozarks of southwest MO.

    Anyway, really liking your blog, I think you're off to a great start, keep it coming!
