Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well, I've not blogged for a while...too much going on in my head and in my life. I don't really want to go into the negatives, other than to say I'm holding strong, for the most part, and the marital stuff is going to resolve itself, one way or the other, very soon.

For today, I'm remembering that I am an aspect of Source and I am loved. I believe one of the most important aspects of being a witch is having faith in the rhythms of the universe. It is sometimes very difficult to hang on to the belief that everything you need will come if you can just not block the flow by worst case scenario thoughts. My fear around not having enough money is palpable at present. Money is an ongoing thorn in my side. Yet, I have never not been able to find a way to come up with money in a pinch. Why would this time be any different? The trick is to not allow fear to extinguish faith.

Wicca is all about utilizing the magick available to us all. While I'm able to come up with money when immediately needed, I never have a surplus, and finding it doesn't come easy. Therefore, it's way past time to take a good look at what money represents in my life. What beliefs are stopping the flow? Do I believe I'm not worthy of more money? Do I believe I must work hard to get money? Do you see where I'm going with this?

I believe in the Law of Attraction. I believe like attracts like. Negative thoughts beget more of the same. Source will always bring what you're asking for - positive or negative. Right now, I can't see a logical way for financial abundance to come into my life. That's where faith comes in, doesn't it? I have to get to the place where I can say, "It's not my job to know how something will come to me. It's my job to step aside and let Sacred Source bring it to me."

Today, I'm going to let it go! I'm grateful for all I do have in my life. So, I'll stand aside and let the magick happen!

Blessed Be.